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What Happens in Your Personal Injury Claim After a Compensation Settlement?




Filing a personal injury claim with a trusted attorney is the first step to receiving compensation after an accident. As the legal case is being pursued, moving forward from there can be confusing if you don’t know what to do. Having a legal professional by your side will also increase your chances of winning the case. Read on to understand the process of a personal injury claim and what to expect after the settlement.

What Is a Personal Injury Claim?

A personal injury claim is a legal case filed by an individual, known as the plaintiff, who’s been injured as the result of someone else’s negligence, known as the defendant. This type of lawsuit is frequently filed by car accident victims when the accident has left them with injuries that negatively affect their quality of life physically and financially.

If this is your situation, then it’s advised that you contact an attorney to file your personal injury claim to seek compensation from the at-fault party. They’ll guide you on the entire legal procedure and how to get started on your case. Once your claim has been filed and your lawyer has met with the defendant, both parties can agree on the next steps.

Role of Insurers in a Settlement

How you were injured and whose fault it is plays a major role in what your settlement will be. Most often, the defendant is likely to be covered by an insurance policy. This coverage is most often used for injuries sustained by medical negligence or a workplace known as an occupational injury. For this reason, the personal injury reimbursement will be paid for by the defendant or the companies’ insurance provider.

Insurers of the person who injured you will also determine the compensation amount. They usually do this by adding up the cost of damages and multiplying it between one and five times the amount. The payout amount is then offered to you and your attorney to accept or negotiate. This is the crucial stage for insurance providers because they’re more willing to provide compensation and settle before the case can be taken to court.


What happens after depends on where in the legal process the claim ends. If the claim has been settled, then you’ll be asked to sign a few official documents that mark the end of the claim’s proceedings.

The documents needed to sign are frequently a settlement agreement. This is a type of contract that states the amount of money paid to you and the payment plan of the agreement. It also acknowledges that you accept the terms of your settlement and that the legal proceedings are over.

Take note that once you’ve signed this contract, it means everything is finalized and your claim is dismissed. After this, no more changes can be made, not even by your lawyer, so be sure to read through carefully and make sure all the information is correct.

The other type of document that could be presented to you is a liability waiver or liability release form. This is used especially by businesses after the payout of an occupational injury.

The liability waiver is essentially an acknowledgment releasing the defendant from the claims that you had brought against them. This is to ensure they can’t get sued for the same injury or for any future injuries that could happen by their fault. Signing this form is optional on your part and should only be signed after consulting your lawyer for advice. Your lawyer will then give all the relevant parties a copy of the contracts.


What happens after your personal injury claim once you’ve been compensated is a matter of ending the legal process with official documents. These documents act as proof that the claim has been settled and that all parties agree to the terms of the contract.

On some occasions, particularly within a workplace injury claim, you may be approached to sign a waiver recognizing that you’re freeing the company from your claims and therefore can’t bring the same claims to them in the future. This type of contract is still fully your choice to sign or reject.

Throughout each step of the claim, it’s a wise decision to keep consulting your lawyer for advice on what to do, including after the settlement, to confirm and understand that the agreements are fair and work in your favor. If you’re not sure of anything, always seek an expert opinion. Consider the ideas mentioned here as you plan and prepare for your claim.

Jenny is one of the oldest contributors of Bigtime Daily with a unique perspective of the world events. She aims to empower the readers with delivery of apt factual analysis of various news pieces from around the World.

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Turkish Textile Giant Sun Textile Solution Proposal for Drought




While the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) are seeking solutions to combat drought through various projects, Ekoten Textile, a subsidiary of Turkey’s textile giant Sun Textile, has developed a groundbreaking project in collaboration with a technology startup to minimize the intensive water consumption in the textile industry. This pioneering project, the first of its kind globally, will enable the recycling and reuse of up to 90% of the water used in textile production.

Drought is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. According to WHO data, 40% of the global population is struggling with water scarcity. By 2030, up to 700 million people could be forced to migrate due to drought. The unconscious use of water in global production processes plays a significant role in the rapid depletion of clean water resources.

The textile industry is one of the sectors with the highest water consumption. In Turkey, while the food industry consumes 22% of the water used for industrial purposes, the textile sector follows closely with 18%. For instance, producing an average of 40 tons of products daily requires 2,500 tons of water, equivalent to the daily water consumption of approximately 10,000 people.


In textile production, where clean water resources are heavily consumed, the innovative success of the Turkish company stands out as a global best practice. This initiative will shape the future of the industry. The wastewater recycling project, developed through intensive R&D efforts, will ensure that over 90% of the required water is sourced from recycled supplies.

The reuse of wastewater in production will transform the fate of countries operating in the textile sector. By preventing the use of clean water resources for textile production, this project will free up clean water sources that can meet the daily needs of hundreds of thousands of people.


Sun Textile places great emphasis on R&D activities, conducting research and development efforts with 380 partners across 38 countries. Sun Textile and its subsidiary Ekoten Textile export nearly 90% of their production, solidifying their identity as a leading exporter. The company ships products to numerous destinations worldwide, including European countries, the UK, and the US. Sun Textile, the leading ready-to-wear exporter in the Aegean Region, achieved a consolidated turnover of 250 million euros in the third quarter of 2024, continuing its active growth trajectory.


Sun Textile provides its own designed collections to leading brands in Europe and the UK. Ekoten Textile, its subsidiary, is among the most respected knitted fabric manufacturers in Turkey and Europe. 

With a dedicated sales team for each major customer group and five design offices in three different countries, Sun Textile creates designs tailored to its customers’ needs. Its largest clients include the Inditex Group, H&M, Jimmy Key, Tesco, Kiabi, Marks & Spencer, and Next.

Sun Textile also extends its sustainability approach to social responsibility, notably for its high ratio of female employees. The company, which went public in 2022, is also listed in dividend indexes.

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