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Sara Zaimi Vies for Miss NJ Crown




The Miss NJ competition seeks a leader, a role model who inspires with both brains and heart. Enter Sara Zaimi, a trailblazing pharmacist with a Doctorate (PharmD) whose passion for women’s health and community empowerment burns brightly.

A brush with mortality at a young age – chest pain and a concerning blood test – ignited a fire in Sara. Witnessing the unwavering spirit of women battling cancer in the oncology ward solidified her desire to make a difference. It was her mother’s unwavering support, the way she held her hand through fear and doubt, that propelled Sara to answer that call. Overcoming self-doubt and depression, she embarked on a remarkable academic journey, graduating with her PharmD at the prestigious Rutgers University at the early age of 23, placing her among the top 10% of her class.

As a first-generation Algerian American, she’s a testament to the power of hard work and perseverance. Her academic achievements, including valedictorian honors and consistent Dean’s List placements, stand as a testament. This translates further into her successful business, where she champions women’s health awareness. Her impact extends far beyond the pharmacy walls. Sara dedicates her time to NJ Sisterhood, empowering young women and inner-city communities. Her fluency in Spanish further highlights her commitment to inclusivity and understanding.

Driven by personal experience and empathy, Sara aims to leverage the Miss NJ platform to tackle critical women’s health issues. From early detection of breast cancer to advocating for increased resources, she seeks to empower women to take charge of their health. Her work with NJ Sisterhood complements this mission, focusing on projects that empower women and address their specific needs. Her advocacy includes promoting 3D areola tattooing for breast cancer survivors, a powerful example of how science and art can converge in the healing process.

Sara’s strength lies in the synergy of her diverse experiences. Her business acumen and her work with NJ Sisterhood position her to champion women’s health and community well-being on a grander stage. She envisions using the Miss NJ platform to create tangible change, increasing resources for those affected by breast cancer and other women’s health issues.

The demands of a successful business, active volunteer work with NJ Sisterhood, and the rigorous training for the Miss NJ competition require exceptional time management skills. Sara thrives under pressure, meticulously juggling her commitments without compromising on quality.

Her multifaceted personality, unwavering commitment to women’s health, and passion for community empowerment make her a strong contender for Miss NJ. She embodies the true spirit of the competition: a woman who is not just beautiful, but a force for good, inspiring young women to reach for their dreams and embrace their unique talents.

Follow Sara’s journey and learn more about her mission on Instagram: @pharminked_laser and @njsisterhood. Let’s cheer her on as she vies for the Miss NJ crown!

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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Personal Spaces: Crafting Small Installations that Reflect Your Personality




Your private quarters, whether a cosy bedroom corner or a secluded study, are not just places for rest or work. They are sanctuaries where your inner self unfolds. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to infuse these spaces with small, meaningful installations that capture and reflect your unique personality and style.

Why Personalise Your Space?

Personalising your space is more than an act of decoration – it’s a form of self-expression. The items you choose to surround yourself with not only tell your story but also influence your mood and productivity. Whether it’s through colours, textures, or artefacts, your personal space should be a reflection of what you cherish and aspire to be.

Identifying Your Style

First, assess your personal style – are you drawn to modern minimalism with its clean lines and functional design, or do you prefer a more eclectic approach that mixes genres and eras? Understanding your aesthetic preference is key to creating a space that feels authentically “you”.

Choosing Meaningful Installations

  • Artwork: Art is a window to the soul – choose pieces that resonate with your experiences, dreams, or aspirations. Whether it’s a vibrant painting from a local artist or a serene photograph of your favourite landscape, artwork can transform a room.
  • Book Collections: For the avid reader, nothing says personal like a well-curated bookshelf. Arrange your collections to invite curiosity, interspersed with small trinkets or plants that break the monotony and add life.
  • Functional Pieces: Every item should serve a purpose, even if that purpose is simply to delight. For example, antique brass door knobs can add a touch of timeless elegance to your space. They are not just functional; they are pieces of art in their own right. Consider upgrading your door hardware to reflect your style subtly but significantly.
  • Lighting: The right lighting can dramatically alter the mood of a room. Soft, warm lights can create a cosy, inviting atmosphere, while brighter, white lights can enhance focus and energy. Choose lamps and fixtures that complement your overall design.
  • Textiles: Textiles add texture and warmth. A beautifully woven throw or a set of artisanal cushions can make any space feel homey and lived-in. Choose fabrics and patterns that speak to you personally.
  • Personal Memorabilia: From concert tickets to family photographs, these items are the direct imprints of your life journey. Display them creatively to keep those memories alive and present.

Incorporating Elements

When incorporating these elements, think about balance and harmony – your space should not feel cluttered but curated. Each item should have breathing room, allowing each piece to be appreciated both individually and as part of the whole setup.

Ready to get started?

Your private quarters are your personal canvas. By choosing installations and elements that resonate with your personality and preferences, you create a space that not only looks beautiful but also feels like an extension of your inner self. Embrace the process of personalising your space as an ongoing journey, one that evolves as you do. Happy decorating!

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