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Report Shows Fiber Intake During Pregnancy Decreases the Risk for Celiac Disease




A recent study has shown that pregnant women who eat high amounts of fiber could protect their children from Celiac disease.

Children are being diagnosed with celiac disease more than ever before. Historically, the majority of diagnoses occurred after a child turned 18 years old, but the number of younger children being diagnosed is increasing.

Celiac disease is dangerous because of the lasting effects it can have on a child’s body when left untreated.

The small intestine is at risk, as is their mental health and nutrition. There are no proven ways to prevent celiac disease or treat it other than a lifelong gluten-free diet.

The connection between a high-fiber diet of the mother and a lower rate of celiac disease in children could be the answer doctors have been seeking.

What is celiac disease, exactly?

Once you have celiac disease, there is no getting rid of it. Treatment is the only option and that means you must follow a strict gluten-free diet that will last the rest of your life.

The disease itself affects both the digestive and immune systems, causing discomfort in the stomach and other unpleasant symptoms.

When gluten, a protein that binds foods such as wheat and barley, enters a Celiac’s digestive system, the immune system responds by attacking the small intestine. This can cause damage that prevents the body from properly digesting food and other nutrients.

Celiac disease can also have many other negative effects on the body that make life less comfortable.

Bloating is a common symptom of celiac disease in both adults and children because of its impact on the digestive system. The digestive tract becomes inflamed, resulting in bloating.

Constant stomach pains, cramping, nausea, and headache are also common symptoms of celiac disease.

Weight loss can be a particularly dangerous symptom for children because of how rapidly they grow. It is often found that removing gluten from the diet causes children with celiac disease to regain their lost weight.

Intake of more fiber could help

Based on a study of 88,000 children born between 1999 and 2009, a high fiber diet in pregnant women resulted in fewer celiac diagnoses in the first 11 years of their children’s lives.

Pediatric celiac disease was 8% lower for every 10 grams of fiber a mother ingested during pregnancy. Fiber from fruits and vegetables rather than from cereals decreased the risk the most.

Having a gluten-free diet during pregnancy has no impact on the child’s tendency to develop celiac disease.

The main reason fiber is thought to affect the likelihood of celiac disease is because of the impact it has on the baby’s gut flora. Fiber leads to more diverse gut flora, which in turn leads to a stronger immune system.

Since celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder, it is important to strengthen the immune system to fight against it.

Anything a mother eats during her pregnancy affects the baby’s health. A poor diet during pregnancy full of fatty foods could cause the child to be obese or develop high cholesterol.

The environment in which a baby develops largely affects its growth and development once it is born. Maintaining healthy eating habits that offer the baby multiple nutrients is the best way to ensure their general good health.

Causes of celiac disease 

Only around 1% of the population has celiac disease, but the people who do have it face daily struggles. In addition to the prenatal environment, other factors contribute to a diagnosis of celiac disease.

According to Healthcare Weekly, one of the main causes of celiac disease is a person’s genes. The disease is hereditary, so if close relatives have celiac, a child is also more likely to have it.

Having other autoimmune issues also makes a person more susceptible to celiac disease. Since celiac is an autoimmune disease, it can become more readily present in a person with other autoimmune problems.

The increased presence of celiac disease could be attributed to more awareness of the symptoms of celiac, leading to more diagnoses. Another factor could be a result of changes in agriculture and farming over the years which may have generated growth in the number of Celiacs. 

Gluten products, like wheat and flour, are now mass-produced with ease because of modern farming procedures, but this could be affecting human health and nutrition.

The high levels of modified gluten present throughout the food industry that people are ingesting is thought to be causing more cases of celiac disease.

How to test for celiac disease

Early diagnosis is very important when it comes to celiac disease, especially for children. Catching the disease early will prevent further and more serious complications.

Having your child tested for celiac disease early on is a smart way to catch the disease before it can have lasting effects. If you have a family history of celiac, getting tested is the right thing to do.

With the at-home test from imawareTM, it is easy to see if your child has celiac. The test recognizes specific biomarkers that show whether the disease is present in the body.

If you have symptoms even though the test doesn’t indicate the presence of Celiac disease, please consult a doctor. 

Take the test and open up a conversation with your doctor on this topic sooner rather than later.

Problems when it is not treated in children

The short-term symptoms of celiac disease are uncomfortable, especially for children. They can be treated by simply cutting out gluten.  Caught early, any damage caused by the disease will almost always be resolved by a gluten-free diet.

If children go untreated for too long, more serious issues will occur. A person develops the most in their childhood years, and celiac disease could put a damper on the changes a child goes through.

A late diagnosis of celiac disease could cause issues with a child’s weight gain and growth. Delayed diagnosis and treatment also makes it more likely the child will commence puberty later than normal.

Other dangers that go along with untreated celiac disease in children include chronic fatigue, iron-deficiency, anemia, and osteoporosis.

Don’t allow your children to suffer from celiac disease symptoms. Provide them with enough nutrients during pregnancy and after their birth to keep their bodies strong and their development on track.

By getting them tested early on, you could prevent your child from struggles later in life.

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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Inside Dr. James Lee’s Surgical Suite: A Look at Gynecomastia Correction




Photo Credit: Dr. James Lee Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

Byline: Katreen David 

“Cosmetic surgery is no longer about extremes; it’s about harmonizing your outer self with the person you’ve always known yourself to be,” says Dr. James Lee, reflecting on the industry’s evolving standards for both men and women. “In recent years, we’ve seen a gravitation toward subtle enhancements that speak to individual authenticity rather than transformation for the sake of it.”

Procedures such as gynecomastia correction are a barometer of the times. It captures society’s dynamic views on beauty, self-expression, and, increasingly, the desire for authenticity. 

Gynecomastia correction is a procedure designed to address the excessive development of male breast tissue, a condition that can cause emotional distress and a deep sense of self-consciousness for many men. Gynecomastia is more than a cosmetic issue. It stems from various causes—hormonal imbalances, obesity, genetics, or even the side effects of medication. For numerous men, surgery is the final step after years of struggle with their body image.

“I’ve had patients tell me they haven’t been to the beach in years or that they wear multiple layers of clothing just to feel comfortable,” Dr. Lee explains. “It’s not just about how they look, but how they feel about themselves.”

The surgical suite of Dr. James Lee, a leading figure in the plastic surgery industry, makes ripples in this respect. His practice is a safe space where progressive techniques meet state-of-the-art technology, offering clients subtle amplifications that make them feel secure, comfortable, and welcome in his practice. 

Precision Meets Compassion in the Operating Room

For Dr. Lee, each gynecomastia surgery is a blend of art and science, involving the removal of excess fat, glandular tissue, and, in some cases, skin. He uses a combination of liposuction and excision techniques, depending on the patient’s needs. Small incisions are carefully placed in inconspicuous areas, often around the nipple or lateral chest, to minimize scarring.

“The goal is to restore a natural, masculine contour to the chest while minimizing any visible signs of surgery,” says Dr. Lee. His steady hands reflect years of experience and dedication to delivering results that are both physically transformative and emotionally freeing.

Patients, typically, undergo the procedure under local anesthesia with sedation, though some opt for general anesthesia. The operation itself may take a couple of hours, but the impact on the patient’s life can be immeasurable. 

It is worth noting that, in Dr. Lee’s practice, the procedure doesn’t end in the operating room. Instead, it is the beginning of a recovery process designed to render the best possible results.

“We take the time to walk patients through every step of recovery,” he says. “From wearing compression garments to controlling swelling, everything is about ensuring the final result meets their expectations.”

Patients leave the clinic the same day, albeit with detailed post-operative instructions that extend beyond healing. For Dr. Lee, success is measured by physical results, the patients’ trust in him, and their satisfaction with their newfound confidence as they recover and return to their daily lives.

The Psychological Toll of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia affects more than just the physical appearance. A multitude of men experience a profound impact on their self-esteem and mental well-being. As Dr. Lee notes, “Some men live with this condition for years, feeling trapped in their bodies and avoiding social activities, sports, or even intimacy because of how they feel about their chest.” 

In a society where male body image issues are often overlooked, Dr. Lee’s practice is a safe space where men can openly discuss their struggles. He frequently hears stories from patients who have been ridiculed or who have suffered in silence, feeling isolated because of a condition that is rarely talked about.

However, once they have the surgery, the change in their demeanor is almost immediate. “It’s like watching a weight being lifted off their shoulders,” says Dr. Lee. “They carry themselves differently, with more confidence. It’s not just a physical transformation; it’s an emotional one as well.”

Dr. Lee understands the sensitivity surrounding gynecomastia correction and has tailored his approach to meet both the physical and emotional needs of his patients. Each consultation is an opportunity for him to listen and guide his patients through the decision-making process, ensuring they have realistic expectations and understand the nuances of the surgery.

Dr. Lee’s reputation for gynecomastia correction has earned him praise in the medical community and gratitude from countless patients. As body image issues among men continue to gain recognition, his work shines a light on the importance of offering solutions that go beyond the surface.

Beauty Rewired: High-Tech, Heartfelt Transformations

One of the hallmarks of Dr. James Lee’s practice is his meticulous work in the operating room and the exceptional team providing outstanding service by his side. 

Dr. Lee is acutely aware of the importance of balancing technology with the indispensable human touch. “Technology is an incredible tool, but it’s not a replacement for the surgeon’s proficiency and intuition. My job is to guide my patients and help them understand what’s possible and realistic,” he says. His mantra resonates with a growing demographic of patients seeking reassurance and innovation in equal measure.

The Road Ahead: Ethical and Aesthetic Considerations

As the industry evolves, ethical considerations are increasingly coming to the forefront. The rise of social media has fueled unrealistic beauty standards, leading to an uptick in procedures among younger demographics. This has prompted a debate within the industry about the role of cosmetic surgery in perpetuating certain ideals.

“We have a responsibility as surgeons to ensure that our work doesn’t contribute to a culture of unattainable beauty,” Dr. James Lee emphasizes. “We have to focus on enhancing what’s already there, not creating something that isn’t. Patients should feel empowered, not pressured, by the available options.” 

Top-tier surgeons are increasingly adopting this ethical stance as they recognize the impact of their work on both individual lives and vast societal standards.

Where Beauty Meets Brains: Crafting Aesthetic Integrity in the Modern Age

As we move further into 2024, it’s clear that the field of cosmetic surgery is undergoing a significant transformation—one that prioritizes authenticity, patient well-being, and ethical responsibility. 

Dr. James Lee is one of the forward-thinking minds propelling this movement to new heights. He effectively leads the way with innovative techniques and a commitment to natural, individualized results. “The future of cosmetic surgery isn’t about keeping up with trends; it’s about understanding what makes each person unique and enhancing that essence,” he concludes.

Responding to the critics who typecast the beauty industry as a superficial field, Dr. James Lee’s plastic surgery clinic offers a refreshing perspective. It values subtlety over spectacle and integrity over imitation. This is the essence of gynecomastia correction and every other careful procedure that Dr. Janes Lee performs. 

As the demand for these kinds of results grows, so does the importance of practitioners who can deliver them with skill and sensitivity. Dr. James Lee’s practice is a game-changer in this new era, where technology and artistry meet to create something truly remarkable: your most authentic version.

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