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How to Run a 6 Figure Location Independent Online Business, in Today’s World




How to overcome the fear of sharing your business, and tips to scale your business with energetics.

“ I wanted FREEDOM. I didn’t grow up with the life that I wanted, I created it”.

Our world is rapidly evolving and adapting to unforeseen circumstances like the pandemic. We are in the midst of a digital revolution, where the way we work has fundamentally changed. “Most would think traveling and living a digital nomadic lifestyle would be impossible”, spiritual business coach Ania Halama says, but she is about to divulge on how she scaled a six figure business online while traveling the world.

Ania Halama is a world traveler and spiritual entrepreneur who has mentored thousands of heart-centered entrepreneurs to align with their ideal clients, and to attract money and wealth, using the R.E.B.E.L. Entrepreneur Method. Her experience and skills are focused in bridging the gap between what is perceived as normal, and what is truly possible, through opening new pathways for her clients via EFT, Meditation, Reiki and Law of Attraction. 

Overcoming Fear and Limited Beliefs

Doing something that goes against the status-quo, like starting an online business, can invoke a lot of fear. The fear of being judged and self doubt can hinder us from pursuing something greater than what we have now. Removing self doubt requires us to work very hard on ourselves;  lifting the negative energy that is weighing us down. Most people have experienced some kind of trauma, and when these traumas go untreated, it can block us from meeting our full potential.

As a transformation coach, Ania frequently observed the difficulty her clients had in overcoming their traumas. She explains that to be 100% present in your business, means you have to heal these traumas first. In doing so, you can become fully confident in sharing your ideas (and problems) with the world, coming from an “empowered place rather than a wounded place”. 

In order for your business to grow, you have to have absolute belief in what it is you’re doing. 

Think about the people who invest in and support your business as clients; a big part of why is because they believe in what you have to say. You are the face of your business and when you come to the stage with high and vibrant energy, the audience can sense it.

Ania recommends practicing getting in front of an audience, and training yourself to be comfortable speaking in public. Although it might incite nerves worrying about what people might think of you, your focus should be on yourself and the bigger mission.

Blending Spirituality and Business: The Law of Attraction

“We don’t need to work 40, 50, 60 hours a week to live beautiful lives”.

Business energetics is a psychotherapy practice that utilizes EFT tapping, where energy is “tapped” on a person’s body, releasing negative emotions like anxiety and improving a person’s flow. Flow allows the person to gain wisdom and identify the challenges they are facing. It is through improved flow, Ania argues that we begin to put the Law of Attraction into effect. Using the example of masculine and feminine energy, she describes why having a balance of these improves flow. Masculine energy is the hustle mentality, whereas feminine energy is what actually attracts clients to us, and lets them in versus chasing after clients and wondering “when the next dollar is going to come from”.

Using spirituality to improve our energy, will attract the right type of clients, partners or coaches to your business. Flow, according to Ania, happens when we connect with frequencies of happiness and joy. We don’t need to work 40, 50, 60 hours to live beautiful lives. Thus, when we are freer in our own minds, free of negative or irrational fears, flow comes more intuitively. Being more connected to people allows us to gain a larger audience and support system, all of which will help grow the business in an organic way.

“Energy is more important than strategy, showing up creates attraction”

In order for the law of attraction to work, there needs to be action behind the intent to drive “…those manifestations into motion”. It is important that you show up to the work you set out to do everyday; it is this consistency that creates a ripple effect, which turns a vision into an actuality. 

Following Your Voice 

The last tip Ania shares is the importance of finding your authentic self and purpose. This could be through exploring the avenues you loved as a child. She argues there’s a reason why we’re attracted to certain things, nature, astrology, space..ect,  when we’re young. 

Hobbies or interests that bring us joy can spur the motivation to start something. When you have the right combination of good flow and inspirations to work on, you may be well on your path to creating a successful business for yourself; one that feels intuitive to your natural adeptness and values.


Manifesting a successful business requires a deep level of self reflection and hard work. It is not enough to simply have a vision of what you want to achieve, but you must put in the work to set it into motion. Employing spiritual practices into your day to day operations can help clear up the negative emotions or hurdles that are holding you back from taking your business to the next level. Following her own path to healing from deep trauma, has allowed Ania to manifest the career of her dreams, and in so has empowered others to achieve the same results. 

The idea of Bigtime Daily landed this engineer cum journalist from a multi-national company to the digital avenue. Matthew brought life to this idea and rendered all that was necessary to create an interactive and attractive platform for the readers. Apart from managing the platform, he also contributes his expertise in business niche.

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Mega Construction Projects That Relied on Advanced Crane Technology




When it comes to large-scale construction projects, the right equipment can make all the difference. From towering skyscrapers to massive bridges and complex infrastructure developments, cranes play a crucial role in lifting, transporting, and positioning heavy materials with precision and efficiency. As technology has advanced, so too has crane engineering, allowing for safer and more ambitious builds. In the points below, we take a closer look at some of the world’s most impressive mega construction projects that relied on cutting-edge crane technology to bring them to life.

Burj Khalifa – Dubai, UAE

Standing at a staggering 828 metres, the Burj Khalifa remains the tallest building in the world. Constructing such a colossal structure required cranes that could operate at extreme heights. Specialised luffing-jib tower cranes were employed to lift materials hundreds of metres into the air, battling high winds and desert heat. These cranes were anchored to the structure itself as it rose, ensuring stability and precision throughout the build.

Sydney Metro – Australia

As Australia’s largest public transport infrastructure project, the Sydney Metro has transformed the way people move around the city. The project required massive tunnel boring machines (TBMs) to carve underground routes, but just as critical were the cranes used to transport and position enormous precast concrete segments. Mobile and crawler cranes with advanced hydraulic systems played a key role in assembling stations and track infrastructure with minimal disruption to existing road networks.

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge – China

This engineering marvel, stretching 55 kilometres across the Pearl River Delta, is one of the longest sea crossings ever built. Given its scale, floating cranes with immense lifting capacity were used to position pre-fabricated bridge sections. Some of these cranes had lifting capabilities exceeding 3000 tonnes, demonstrating the sheer power and precision required for such a complex marine project.

The Panama Canal Expansion – Panama

The expansion of the Panama Canal was one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects in recent history, involving the construction of massive new lock chambers. Gigantic gantry cranes were used to install the enormous steel lock gates, some weighing over 3000 tonnes. These cranes had to operate with pinpoint accuracy to ensure the seamless functioning of the canal’s new locks, allowing for the passage of larger vessels.

Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station – UK

The construction of this next-generation nuclear power plant has required some of the world’s most advanced heavy-lift cranes. The site features one of the largest land-based cranes in the world, capable of lifting reactor components that weigh hundreds of tonnes. These high-tech cranes have been crucial in ensuring the safe and efficient assembly of the plant’s intricate infrastructure.

The Role of Advanced Crane Technology in Modern Construction

Each of these projects would have been impossible without the evolution of crane technology. Innovations such as digital load monitoring, autonomous operation, and enhanced safety systems have allowed cranes to handle heavier loads with greater precision than ever before. For companies tackling complex construction projects, working with an experienced crane hire provider is essential. Businesses like Sventek Cranes offer cutting-edge crane solutions, ensuring that even the most ambitious projects can be completed safely and efficiently.

Mega construction projects continue to push the limits of engineering and design, and advanced crane technology remains at the heart of these achievements

Whether it’s lifting components for a record-breaking skyscraper or positioning bridge segments over open water, cranes will always be an integral part of building the world’s most remarkable structures. By leveraging state-of-the-art crane systems, today’s construction industry is making the impossible possible – one lift at a time.

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