Chandigarh administration has been making intense efforts in order to put a check on the spread of coronavirus in the City beautiful. Many patients suffering from...
Although performing cardiovascular exercise will slowly burn calories, it won’t be nearly as effective at shedding the pounds from a good strength training session. Strength training,...
Growing older, we sometimes need an extra hand, which will help us to overcome some situations that we do not manage to do ourselves. Promoting and...
A global survey has highlighted that athletes across the world have been making use of massage chairs in order to relax their bodies after going through...
Tea and Coffee are the daily doses of freshness for mostly every human being. Truth be told, most of them can’t function without tea or coffee....
Having to deal with kratom that varied in strength and quality each and every time you buy was a risk that most kratom consumers have just...
A global health survey has highlighted the rising pollution levels in the urban areas is the leading cause of hair loss in women. Many results derived...
A root canal may strike fear in the hearts of even the bravest. That was the thought of many in earlier days. However, the myth has...
CBD is a mild form of cannabinoids. There is a difference between Marijuana and CBD. While Marijuana has THC-Tetrahydrocannabinol, CBD does not have many traces of...
Bio-15 is an award-winning probiotics brand that has numerous benefits. Probiotics are the friendly microorganisms that help with improvement of the digestive system. One can’t just...