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GridPlus Turns Crypto Storage into an Art Form




An equally dramatic surge in cyberattacks has shadowed cryptocurrency’s rise. After all, As the market continues to expand, so does the ingenuity of cybercriminals seeking to exploit its vulnerabilities.

For instance, the Orbit Chain hack rocked the crypto world in January 2024, where cybercriminals made off with a staggering $100 million. This attack, which targeted a blockchain bridge, highlighted the persistent vulnerabilities in cross-chain technologies and set a grim tone for crypto security at the start of the year.

Now that digital assets are becoming mainstream, the stakes for security have never been higher. This is why the need for reliable, user-friendly security solutions has become crucial. Crypto hardware company GridPlus gives newbies and seasoned investors a next-generation solution designed to provide ironclad protection for cryptocurrency holdings in today’s high-risk environment.

The Lattice1: Redefining Digital Asset Security and Elegance

GridPlus’ flagship product, the Lattice1, offers robust protection for digital assets. Its sleek design and sizeable five-inch touchscreen set it apart from traditional hardware wallets. However, its real artistry lies beneath its surface.

Central to the Lattice1 is a sophisticated security system. This device employs a hardware security module (HSM) encased in a tamper-resistant wire mesh. This feature enables it to detect any physical tampering attempts, automatically deleting private information if compromised. “It is like having a vigilant guardian constantly watching over your digital wealth,” shares GridPlus Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Justin Leroux.

The Lattice1 supports multiple cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, and various Earned Value Management System (EVM)-compatible chains. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for investors with diverse portfolios.

Furthermore, the device’s large touchscreen fosters clear visibility when navigating and confirming transactions—an often overlooked feature when dealing with complex decentralized finance (DeFi) interactions.

Perhaps most impressively, the Lattice1 is designed with the future in mind. With 64 gigabytes of internal storage, it can run more resource-intensive applications directly on the device.

A Look At GridPlus SafeCard

Complementing the Lattice1 is the GridPlus SafeCard system, a portable, personal identification number (PIN)-protected HSM that can store seed phrases and support the creation of unlimited wallets.

The SafeCard system addresses a common dilemma in crypto storage—the trade-off between security and convenience. With SafeCards, users can securely back up their wallets without using vulnerable paper backups or complex memorization techniques.

One of the SafeCard’s most compelling features is its versatility. It can be used standalone for offline storage or seamlessly integrated with the Lattice1 for on-the-go access to keys. This flexibility allows users to manage multiple wallets without switching devices, providing a high level of convenience previously unseen in high-security crypto storage.

Furthermore, its security is equally impressive. It uses a physical unclonable function (PUF) for robust secret storage, a technology that creates a unique key for each device. With PIN protection, this product offers a multi-layered security approach that rivals even the most sophisticated storage solutions.

Experience the GridPlus Difference

Fortunes can be made or lost with a single private key in cryptocurrency. Thankfully, GridPlus has elevated this investment’s security with artistic precision. The Lattice1 and SafeCards merge functionality and design—a true masterpiece in digital asset protection.

“We have carefully considered every aspect of crypto storage. From the tamper-resistant mesh of the Lattice1 to the portable security of SafeCards, each element has been designed to provide maximum protection without sacrificing usability,”shares Leroux.

The result is a storage solution that safeguards digital assets with an elegance that goes beyond basic utility. While security often comes at the cost of convenience, GridPlus has painted a new picture of crypto storage, one that crypto enthusiasts and investors alike can appreciate and trust.


Rosario is from New York and has worked with leading companies like Microsoft as a copy-writer in the past. Now he spends his time writing for readers of

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Revolutionizing Single-Cell RNA-seq With Automated Cell Counters: Insights From Logos Biosystems




Despite its relative newness, single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has become an essential component of modern biological research.


It can be used to characterize abnormal cell populations, discover and analyze rare cell cellular map networks, and discover subtle yet notable heterogeneities.

scRNA-seq has come a long way since its origins in next-generation sequencers from the late 1990s. While traditional sequencing methods measure a bulk of a cell population to determine its “average genome,” scRNA-seq is significantly more precise. It locates and extracts genomes from individual cells, using each cell to tell part of the genetic story of a greater whole.

Although single-cell sequencing provides valuable information, the process has several drawbacks depending on the method used.

For example, Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) uses a laser to isolate target cells from a complete solid tissue sample located on a microscope slide. This approach is quick, reliable, and also usable on intact tissues, but it requires the user to identify target cells through visual inspection of their morphology. Cells can also be damaged in the process.

Other methods, like Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) or Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS), come with positives and negatives. Regardless of the approach, advancements in single-cell sequencing technology require significant time and investment, making access to newer and more efficient technologies a barrier to progress.

Overcoming Obstacles With Technological Advancement

When manually counting cells in scRNA-seq analysis, adequately going through each cell can take a huge amount of time and resources. This process also has a high margin of error, sometimes making it difficult to justify the effort.

Moreover, when cell counts are inaccurate for scRNA-seq analysis, overall data quality becomes less reliable, making the research outcomes less reliable and further exacerbating the original issues of time and cost.

With so much time and capital going toward this research, the data it produces should be worthwhile. However, the quality of the data ultimately relies on the quality of the sample before processing, which is where Logos Biosystems and their LUNA-FX7 Automated Cell Counter come in.

Enhancing Research Capabilities

Logos Biosystems is a leader in automated cell counting technology and scRNA-seq analysis and is known for developing the award-winning LUNA Cell Counter family.

Founded in 2008, the company has lived up to its motto of “seeing beyond the cell” by working to improve human health through imaging solutions that help researchers gather quality data in a timely fashion.

Their LUNA series of cell counters specializes in improving research accuracy and efficiency by allowing scientists to spend less time dealing with the monotony of cell counting and more time making valuable observations and implementing solutions.

The LUNA-FX7 Automated Cell Counter gives precise and reliable cell counts. It improves the quality of scRNA-seq analysis and takes less time than other automated counters.

This device has many invaluable features, such as increased size for sample throughput, an expanded cell concentration range, built-in QC software, validation slides for fluorescence, and brightfield to allow for daily QC monitoring and reporting.

Making Research Matter

Incorporating an automated cell counter like the LUNA-FX7 more broadly in scRNA-seq would improve research outcomes and accelerate scientific discoveries. Having machines take care of menial tasks frees up time for scientists and researchers to use their critical and creative thinking skills to push progress in their respective fields forward in ways machines couldn’t do alone.

Applications for automated cell counting technology are almost limitless, including research into developmental studies, immunology, oncology, neurobiology, diabetes, microbiology, and much more. Being able to quickly and precisely profile, identify, classify, and discover rare or new cell types from across the human body allows greater insight into these disciplines and what they can do for human health and growth.

The exciting future of single-cell RNA sequencing lies in the seamless integration of these automated technologies. As they become more widely adopted, they will pave the way for more innovative discoveries that could shape the understanding of biology and medicine. With technologies like Logos Biosystems’ LUNA-FX7, the question of whether the scientific community can see transformative discoveries is now mute as it continues to work to enhance precision and efficiency in cell evaluation, which is vital for scRNA-seq experiments to be successful to not only advance science but also improve human health and well-being on a global scale.


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