Jennifer Aniston is a hugely popular actress, widely known for her portrayal of Rachel Green in Friends, one of the immensely popular sitcoms of 90s. This...
The ‘Guardians of Galaxy’ star, Chris Pratt has gone on an intense fasting diet, that would last for 3 weeks. This diet, which is known as...
The wait for Stranger Things Season 3 has been very long, since people binge watched season 2 in October 2017. And the time is yet to...
First aired in 1989, the popular sitcom Seinfeld became a money minting machine for its actors. Not only did it make the actors extremely popular, their...
Netflix released Bird Box, a horror movie, in December. The holidays soon became spooky with this movie release. In this movie, everyone has to wear blindfolds...
When it comes to Marvel vs. DC, Marvel has more fan following compared to the other. And in the bid of surviving the DC universe, Warner...