In the Bronx neighborhood of New York City, one artist is blending genres with a voice like Slipknot’s Corey Taylor and a production reflective of that...
From watching his brother’s rap in the hood to moving on and creating his album, GG Loafy has made a name for himself. Though you can...
MoneyMadeJrr is an artist from Louisville, Kentucky who has recently been breaking his way into mainstream music. Showing this he has recently released his flagship video...
Matt Sequeira has had a long journey as an independent artist. He was inspired to pursue his music career from an early age after visiting Elvis...
For those just getting to know Darriel Cannon, he is a young rapper who makes positive music under FatCat’s name. He recently has been on a...
The latest album release from Las Vegas artist So Gaudy, Vinny Vallacci, is a masterpiece from beginning to end. The album contains thirteen tracks with each...
Sarai Korpacz, a New York-based contemporary artist, has announced the release of the much-awaited music video for her new single, “Harmony” on 8th December. She is...
King Wizard is a prominent musician, producer/artist and melody maker. Often referred to as a genius by both press and collaborators, he has cheekily adopted this...
MamiRoseTv, a Dominican YouTuber, has made a big name for herself on YouTube and social media networks. She is the romantic partner of the famous Youtuber,...
For those who don’t know Mariana Donnelly, she is an eight year old rising child star who has been involved in the entertainment industry since two...