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Do’s and Don’ts in Thailand if you are a tourist




Tourists always find out as much as they can about a destination before they head out. Thailand is one of the popular destinations that you can pick to travel to and it has a lot to offer to tourists. One of the things that set geographical locations apart is the culture. People have a different way of life and there is a different way of doing things. Also, the rules may differ as set by different governments.

When heading out to Thailand, you should not be too hung on the do’s and don’ts because most discretion especially on a social level can be forgiven. This is because even foreigners have got their ways and customs. However, by knowing the do’s and Don’ts, it is possible to earn respect from the hosts, it is important to respect the royal family as well as the religion, which is Buddhism.

The do’s in Thailand

You need to respect the images of Buddha because they are sacred and any sacrilegious acts can lead to imprisonment even if you are a foreigner.

You should also dress appropriately if you mean to visit a temple. Temples are considered sacred and you have to remove your shoes before entering. The same is true about entering some shops and people’s houses.

Monks ought to be treated respectfully.

It is important to remain calm regardless of the kind of provocation or problem that may present itself.

You should eat with a spoon. A fork can be used to load the spoon with food. You should learn as much as you can about eating etiquette.

It also helps to learn some of the lost basic phrases like saying thank you and hello. It helps you interact with the locals better.

Try to smile as you move along. It helps when you understand the Thai smile as it improves your sociability.

Understand the whole concept of sanuk and try as much as you can to have fun.

Make sure you have a current visa if it is needed. You should find out whether you actually need a visa or not. Also, ensure you arrange for travel insurance and that it is adequate. This has got a lot of importance.

The Don’ts In Thailand

You should never disrespect the royal family. This is a criminal offense and insult to the monarchy.

When there is a monk around do not cross legs regardless of whether you are sitting in a chair or on the floor.

You should avoid touching the women in Thai unless express consent is given. This is regardless of imagery that is portrayed in clubs or bars. Most of the women in Thai happen to be conservative.

Do not show too much affection while in public while it is common for couples to hold hands. Snogging is looked down upon. The western behavior is different from that of Thailand.

Do not touch any person’s head or try ruffling their hair, an apology should be given should this happen.

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Jenny is one of the oldest contributors of Bigtime Daily with a unique perspective of the world events. She aims to empower the readers with delivery of apt factual analysis of various news pieces from around the World.

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Turkish Textile Giant Sun Textile Solution Proposal for Drought




While the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) are seeking solutions to combat drought through various projects, Ekoten Textile, a subsidiary of Turkey’s textile giant Sun Textile, has developed a groundbreaking project in collaboration with a technology startup to minimize the intensive water consumption in the textile industry. This pioneering project, the first of its kind globally, will enable the recycling and reuse of up to 90% of the water used in textile production.

Drought is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. According to WHO data, 40% of the global population is struggling with water scarcity. By 2030, up to 700 million people could be forced to migrate due to drought. The unconscious use of water in global production processes plays a significant role in the rapid depletion of clean water resources.

The textile industry is one of the sectors with the highest water consumption. In Turkey, while the food industry consumes 22% of the water used for industrial purposes, the textile sector follows closely with 18%. For instance, producing an average of 40 tons of products daily requires 2,500 tons of water, equivalent to the daily water consumption of approximately 10,000 people.


In textile production, where clean water resources are heavily consumed, the innovative success of the Turkish company stands out as a global best practice. This initiative will shape the future of the industry. The wastewater recycling project, developed through intensive R&D efforts, will ensure that over 90% of the required water is sourced from recycled supplies.

The reuse of wastewater in production will transform the fate of countries operating in the textile sector. By preventing the use of clean water resources for textile production, this project will free up clean water sources that can meet the daily needs of hundreds of thousands of people.


Sun Textile places great emphasis on R&D activities, conducting research and development efforts with 380 partners across 38 countries. Sun Textile and its subsidiary Ekoten Textile export nearly 90% of their production, solidifying their identity as a leading exporter. The company ships products to numerous destinations worldwide, including European countries, the UK, and the US. Sun Textile, the leading ready-to-wear exporter in the Aegean Region, achieved a consolidated turnover of 250 million euros in the third quarter of 2024, continuing its active growth trajectory.


Sun Textile provides its own designed collections to leading brands in Europe and the UK. Ekoten Textile, its subsidiary, is among the most respected knitted fabric manufacturers in Turkey and Europe. 

With a dedicated sales team for each major customer group and five design offices in three different countries, Sun Textile creates designs tailored to its customers’ needs. Its largest clients include the Inditex Group, H&M, Jimmy Key, Tesco, Kiabi, Marks & Spencer, and Next.

Sun Textile also extends its sustainability approach to social responsibility, notably for its high ratio of female employees. The company, which went public in 2022, is also listed in dividend indexes.

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