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Austin Johnson’s Tips for Busy Professionals Aiming to Prioritize Self-Care




Many people think they are familiar with the concept of self-care, thanks to an endless stream of advice from wellness gurus, lifestyle blogs, and self-help books. Self-care has become almost cliché, often accompanied by a sense of obligation and guilt for not doing enough.

For busy professionals, self-care can seem like an unattainable ideal, overshadowed by the dizzying pace of their careers. Dr. Austin Johnson, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and founder of Executive Counseling, understands this dilemma all too well.

Johnson offers well-being strategies that combine principles from clinical psychology, cultural anthropology, and various therapeutic methods to provide a holistic view of self-care. His actionable tips are designed to be easily implementable so even the busiest professionals can take steps toward better mental and physical health.

Integrating Exercise into a Hectic Schedule

According to Johnson, busy professionals often struggle to find time for exercise. He advocates for integrating short, manageable workouts into daily routines. Every movement counts, whether a brisk walk during lunch breaks or a quick morning yoga session.

Making exercise a sustainable habit is central to self-care, so Johnson suggests scheduling it like any other important meeting. “Blocking out specific times for physical activity makes it a non-negotiable part of anyone’s day,” he says, adding that this enhances mental clarity and reduces stress.

Developing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Aside from exercise, Johnson is a massive advocate of practicing emotional intelligence (EI) for professionals who want to excel in their careers while maintaining healthy relationships. To this end, he encourages professionals to engage in active listening, empathy, and self-reflection to enhance their emotional awareness.

Developing EI enables leaders to deal with workplace challenges in a new light. More importantly, it builds stronger connections with colleagues. Johnson’s strategy involves regular self-assessment and seeking feedback to identify areas for improvement. This continuous development of emotional skills benefits individual well-being and contributes to a more harmonious workplace.

Creating Work-Life Stability

Scrap work-life balance. Johnson pushes for a new goal: work-life stability. Unfortunately, this is a common challenge for executives. Johnson shares that setting clear boundaries between work and personal life prevents burnout. “This can include having a designated workspace, setting specific work hours, and prioritizing personal time.”

He also emphasizes the importance of delegation and seeking support when needed. Recognizing that leaders cannot do everything themselves, they can reduce their workload and create more time for self-care. This balanced perspective leads to greater satisfaction, both personally and professionally.

Implementing Mindfulness and Stress Management Techniques

Mindfulness and stress management are essential components of Johnson’s self-care insights. Professionals can practice techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and mindful walking to stay grounded and present.

Johnson also highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing stressors proactively. “Leaders can keep a stress journal to identify patterns and triggers if they are up for it. This can even result in creating targeted coping strategies,” he shares. When stress is managed effectively, individuals can maintain their mental health and perform at their best, even in high-pressure environments.

Fostering a Culture of Self-Care in Professional Settings

Self-care is vital for leaders and everyone in the organization. Johnson encourages executives to model self-care behaviors and promote policies supporting employee well-being, such as offering flexible work arrangements and mental health resources.

“Being overworked should never be glorified. Instead, make employees realize that work is not the end-all-be-all in life.” Dr. Austin Johnson’s philosophy proves that self-care is not selfish. In his quest to challenge the traditional notion that success requires constant sacrifice, he is helping to change workplace cultures across industries.

Rosario is from New York and has worked with leading companies like Microsoft as a copy-writer in the past. Now he spends his time writing for readers of

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Michella Filipowitz: Shaping a Future of Inclusion for Children with Disabilities




Michella Filipowitz, a prominent model, business leader, and philanthropist, has dedicated her life to advocating for children with disabilities. Her personal story, shaped by her experiences as the mother of a child with autism, has driven her passion to build a more inclusive world where differences are not just accepted but celebrated.

Michella’s journey took a transformative turn when she became a single mother at the age of 23. Shortly after, her son, Benjamin, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. “It was an unexpected and overwhelming moment,” Michella recalls. “No one in my family had dealt with anything like this before, but with my mother’s guidance, I was able to see Benjamin’s diagnosis not as a burden, but as a new way of understanding the world.”

Benjamin’s condition is categorized as a hidden disability. Though it’s not always obvious to others, his challenges—such as delayed speech—affect his everyday experiences. “It was difficult to watch him struggle while other kids seemed to develop so naturally,” Michella shares. “It made me realize how often children with disabilities are left out or misunderstood.”

This realization sparked a new mission for Michella: to create a world where children like Benjamin are given the same opportunities as their peers. “I knew I had to be part of the solution,” she says. “Our differences are what make us unique, and we should be embracing that, not hiding from it.”

Michella is also keenly aware of how quickly people judge others based on outward appearances. “We live in a time where everything is so public and visible, but that doesn’t mean we know the whole story,” she explains. “It’s important to have empathy and not make assumptions.”

Her advocacy work has centered on changing how schools and communities treat children with disabilities. Too often, children like Benjamin are segregated in special schools, which can further isolate them. Michella believes this approach is flawed. “Children with disabilities need to learn alongside their peers,” she says. “Only then can they grow up understanding that differences are normal, not something to be avoided.”

Her vision is clear: an education system where children of all abilities are taught together, learning to respect one another from an early age. “If we can instill the values of acceptance and understanding in kids while they’re young, we’ll build a much more inclusive society,” she says.

Michella’s commitment to helping families of children with disabilities goes beyond advocacy. She co-founded the DR Family Foundation with her fiancé to provide critical support to families who are struggling with the high costs of therapies, treatments, and education. “As a single mother, I know firsthand how overwhelming it can be,” she explains. “That’s why I wanted to help other families get the resources they need.”

The DR Family Foundation has already made a significant difference, helping families cover school expenses and other essential costs. The foundation’s next big initiative is creating a home for children from difficult backgrounds, offering them a safe and nurturing space where they can thrive. “It’s not just about providing shelter,” Michella says. “It’s about building a community where these children feel loved and supported.”

Reflecting on her journey with Benjamin, Michella speaks with gratitude. “He’s shown me that what others might see as a challenge is actually his strength,” she says. “His resilience and uniqueness are what make him so special, and I want to make sure other children have the opportunity to shine in their own way.”

Through her work, Michella envisions a world where children with disabilities are fully included in every aspect of life. She hopes that by advocating for inclusion and providing support through the DR Family Foundation, she can help create a brighter future for these children. “I want parents to know that they’re not alone,” she says. “With the right support, we can give our children the chance to live fulfilling, happy lives.”

Stay connected with Michella Filipowitz and her mission to create a more inclusive society for children with disabilities by following her on Instagram @princessmichella.​

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