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The Critical Role of OpticSense in US Infrastructure




Economic growth in the United States relies on a vast networkof roads, bridges, water systems, railways, airports, high-speed internet access, and power grids. Much of this infrastructure has exceeded its intended lifespan, and the costs associated with upkeep are skyrocketing.

Among developed nations, the World Economic Forum rates the quality of US infrastructure as 13th. In fact, the American Society of Civil Engineers reveals that over 45,000 of the country’s bridges and 1 in 5 miles of its roads are in poor condition.

Fortunately, Huvr has introduced a cutting-edge means of monitoring infrastructure in real time. This comprehensive monitoring is designed to save money and keep people safe.

Why critical US infrastructure is failing

Much of the country’s infrastructure was built during the mid-20th century, and these structures are now reaching the end of their design lives. Along with the effects of natural aging, there has been a chronic underinvestment in infrastructure maintenance and upgrades. Public investment in the nation’s critical infrastructure has decreased by over 40 percent since the 1960s, and estimates suggest trillions of dollars are required to bring it up to acceptable standards.

The increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters — including hurricanes, floods, and wildfires — exacerbate the vulnerabilities of already fragile infrastructure. A quickly growing population also places additional stress on infrastructure systems that were not designed to handle the loads they do today.

Advancements in artificial intelligence AI and fiber optics for real-time monitoring

The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and fiber optic interferometer (FoRI) technology heralds a new era in infrastructure monitoring. Two years ago, Herman DeBoard, CEO of Huvr, acquired the company called OpticSense.

“OpticSense patented technology was created by a retired lead scientist from Halliburton who also happened to be one of my neighbors,” DeBoard recalls. “I used to go over and have drinks just to listen to him talk about his latest invention. At that time, he was working on a Fiberoptic Ring Interferometer. When installed around a facility, the ring transformed the entire location into a microphone sensitive enough to pick up the sound of falling snowflakes.”

According to DeBoard, this FoRI is a beam of light that travels in two directions to form a closed loop, establishing a secure perimeter around the entire infrastructure. “When sound waves cross the fiberoptic ring, they bend it ever so slightly, enabling us to monitor every audio event inside the loop,” he explains.

Fiberoptic sensors offer high-sensitivity monitoring over an extended area. They are resistant to environmental factors such as weather conditions and electromagnetic interference, making them ideal for monitoring infrastructure in harsh outdoor conditions.

A sophisticated AI system predicts potential failures and security threats by analyzing patterns in the data collected from these sensors. The system constantly processes and analyzes data in real time to identify anomalies. Audio anomalies, or sounds that fall outside the expected norm, trigger the system to alert security or maintenance teams in seconds.

“OpticSense uses machine learning and real-time AI analysis to learn what a healthy structure sounds like,” DeBoard says. “It can then identify the sounds of an unhealthy structure and report them to officials. The system can pick up the subtle sound of concrete cracking or a bearing going bad; it can identify bad actors in and around the critical infrastructure as well.”

Such advancements enable comprehensive, real-time monitoring of infrastructure. In essence, the OpticSense system is like positioning an army of artificial intelligence sentry units around important assets. In seconds, it analyzes potential issues, creates a detailed audio, video, and text summary, assigns a threat level to the event, and notifies the designated personnel best suited to respond.

Advantages of real-time monitoring technology over traditional methods

Traditional inspection methods, particularly manual inspections, are limited by their periodic nature. By contrast, real-time systems provide a 24/7 watch, enabling security and maintenance teams to detect issues as they occur.

Unlike traditional methods, which rely on sporadic inspections, real-time systems provide continuous data so crews can promptly identify even the most subtle changes. Real-time monitoring also offers enhanced accuracy by combining AI with high-precision sensors to reduce human error and increase the accuracy of inspections and data interpretation.

Real-time monitoring supports proactive and predictive maintenance, which can spell the difference between fixing things before rather than after they break. The long-term cost savings from preventing catastrophic failures and optimizing maintenance proves significant over time.

The impact of hurricane season on infrastructure and how proactive detection can prevent failures

Hurricane season poses a significant threat to Florida’s infrastructure. High winds, torrential rainfall, and flooding can weaken structures, erode foundations, and cause immediate and catastrophic damage.

Proactive detection through advanced monitoring technologies substantially mitigates these risks. When data is collected over time, maintenance crews can identify vulnerable points and reinforce them ahead of expected severe weather.

Post-hurricane assessment is also more efficient with advanced monitoring technologies. Fiber optic sensors provide real-time data on how structures respond to environmental stresses. This data allows engineers to quickly assess the impact of severe weather events and take immediate action to reinforce and repair damages.

“OpticSense is transforming how we monitor and maintain US infrastructure,” concludes DeBoard. “The integration of AI with FoRI technology offers early detection of issues, continuous real-time monitoring, precise localization of problems, and cost-effective maintenance solutions. It saves time, money, and potentially lives.”

Rosario is from New York and has worked with leading companies like Microsoft as a copy-writer in the past. Now he spends his time writing for readers of

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Creating Better Hiring Practices: How KENTECH Can Improve New Employees




Although some may think background checks are only necessary for high-security jobs like government positions or teaching roles, most employers could benefit from the additional insights that a background check provides. In addition to providing information about an applicant’s criminal history, employers can use background checks to understand their abbreviated credit history or confirm information like employment, educational, and licensure history.

Why background checks are important

Unfortunately, while one would like always to assume the best, the truth is that not everyone is telling the truth. A study by SHRM found that 31% of people admitted to lying on resumes, while 56% admitted to “stretching the truth.”

This statistic makes it abundantly clear that business leaders must not feel comfortable simply trusting prospective employees’ applications at face value. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so a background check is used to confirm important information about an applicant and help make a better, more informed hiring decision.

At KENTECH, a leading background check technology provider, the team likes to say that they help their clients hire “not just the best person, but the right person.” After all, the cost of hiring and onboarding a new employee is extensive. Indeed reports that these costs can range from $4,000 to $20,000 per new employee.

If a hiring decision is made, only for that person to not perform well in the role and have to be let go shortly after, that’s a lot of money wasted. It’s better to make sure that you are making the right decision from the beginning.

KENTECH’s revolutionary background check technology

Some of KENTECH’s cutting-edge background check technology solutions include:

Employment Verification Program (EVP): KENTECH’s Employment Verification Program is a web-based service designed to help streamline the background check process for employers. It gives employers one location through which they can manage the entire process from start to finish. Users can order background checks and verifications and easily manage documents — all from a single, convenient dashboard.
Report Investigative Scoring Count (RISC): KENTECH’s RISC system helps organizations quickly interpret screening results at a glance. An organization can set up the criteria that matter most to them for screenings, and each background check will be labeled with a color code corresponding to the criteria set by the business. This provides employers with a visual cue for what applications may require closer scrutiny and helps identify which candidates may be most qualified.
Rapid Application Center (RAC): KENTECH’s Rapid Application Center technology allows applicants to input their information and order background checks themselves. This saves hiring teams time with minimal burden to the applicant. An applicant signs onto a custom-built website and enters their information so administrative staff don’t have to. Administrators then receive email notifications when a candidate posts their information and when results are returned, allowing them to sign on at their convenience to view them.
Unified Bulk Screening (UBS): For businesses that screen a high volume of candidates, KENTECH also offers a solution called Unified Bulk Screening (UBS). Once business leaders sign into their EVP account and import a list of candidates and their required information, they can see up-to-the-minute results in their portal or opt to receive a consolidated report that displays all results at once.

However, although the primary audience of these developments is the business and its leaders, there are also some significant benefits to the candidate experience. If a background check feels obstructive and frustrating to an applicant, they may form a negative first impression of the business or even give up. The KENTECH team designed their technology to be easy to use, often able to be integrated into the application and HR management system to make the process as seamless and intuitive as possible.

Although background checks might seem like an extreme step for the average employer, with the help of technology like that offered by KENTECH, it doesn’t have to be. KENTECH’s advanced background check technology helps streamline the process, allowing employers to get better insight into their prospective employees without significantly burdening themselves or their applicants. With this, background checks can become a standard, beneficial step in virtually every job application.

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