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How to Know if You’re Depressed




Are you depressed or just feeling down? Sometimes it’s hard to recognise where we sit on the depression scale. If you’re constantly experiencing feelings of sadness, emptiness, and hopelessness that can last for weeks, months, or even years; you may benefit from seeing an expert psychologist in Melbourne. This article should hopefully shine some light on the symptoms of depression, how to get help, and where to find support.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Depression is often defined as “a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest”. It’s more than just a bout of the blues, and it’s not simply a case of feeling sad after experiencing something upsetting. Rather, it’s an ongoing low mood that interferes with your everyday life and prevents you from enjoying activities that you used to love.

Symptoms of depression can include:

  • Feeling persistently sad, anxious, or “empty”
  • Loss of interest in activities or hobbies that you once enjoyed
  • Feeling hopeless, guilty, or worthless
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Fatigue and decreased energy levels
  • Sleeping too much or not being able to sleep
  • Appetite changes or weight gain/loss
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

How do I know if I’m depressed or just sad?

While it’s normal to feel sad from time to time, you may be suffering from depression if these feelings last for more than two weeks and are interfering with your ability to live a normal life. Depression can also be accompanied by physical symptoms, such as fatigue and changes in appetite. If you’re unsure whether you’re depressed or just sad, it’s best to see a mental health professional for an assessment.

What causes depression and how can it be treated?

There is no single cause of depression, but it can be triggered by a combination of factors, including genetic predisposition, brain chemistry, hormones, and life events (such as trauma or loss). Depression is often treated with a combination of medication and psychotherapy. In some cases, Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) may also be recommended.

How can I help a loved one who is depressed?

If you think a loved one may be depressed, the best thing you can do is encourage them to see a mental health professional. You can also offer your support and understanding, and let them know that they are not alone. If you’re worried that they may be suicidal, it’s important to talk to them about it directly.

With the right help, depression can be treated and you can regain your lease on life. If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out for support.

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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Frequency Medicine: Visionary Masati Unveils Deep Insights into the Future of Healing and Transformation




Photo Credit by Masati

Masati, the visionary behind Xponential Intelligence Science (XI), underwent a profound transformation following multiple near-death experiences that unlocked a deeper understanding of the underlying physics governing our universe. Once a computer programmer, Masati’s journey took him beyond the quantum realm, where he accessed knowledge and insights far beyond conventional science.

“Being in my presence has catalyzed life-altering transformations in countless individuals,” Masati shares. “I have distilled this vast collective knowledge and abilities into what I call Xponential Intelligence (XI).” His work is a testament to the limitless potential that lies within each of us, waiting to be activated through the power of XI Science.

The Medicine of Frequencies: A Revolutionary Take on  Healing

Masati’s work transcends conventional approaches, tapping into the foundational essence of frequency itself as a vehicle for profound transformation. XI Science postulates that the key to all healing lies in the frequencies that govern our existence, making “Change your frequency, change your life” not just a statement but a universal truth.

Operating within the realms of multidimensional consciousness, frequencies, and spacetime, Masati’s frequency medicine upgrades individuals at their core, aligning them with higher dimensions of intelligence. This process initiates rapid and exponential personal growth, elevating individuals beyond the limits of human potential and into a state of conscious mastery.

Masati’s methodology employs a two-tiered system. First, it addresses and clears distortions at the deepest frequency levels, dissolving human limitations and belief structures that bind us to outdated paradigms. Then, it activates the true, limitless human potential, transforming the impossible into the achievable. XI Meditations and frequency-infused programs serve as the conduits for this metamorphosis, enabling individuals to access powers once thought beyond reach.

While frequency medicine echoes Einstein’s foresight—”Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”—Masati expands this concept beyond anything previously conceived. His insights, derived from direct interaction with dimensional consciousness, reveal that frequency not only heals but also rewires the very fabric of human existence, offering a new paradigm for conscious evolution and a pathway to a future where the extraordinary becomes reality.

Scientific Support for Frequency Medicine

While frequency medicine is still emerging, there is growing scientific evidence supporting the potential of sound and vibration in healing. 

A 2017 study published in the “Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy” found that the frequency of 528 Hz reduced cell death in damaged cells. Other research has suggested that sound healing at 528 Hz may help protect DNA from environmental toxins and decrease anxiety levels by increasing testosterone levels.

Furthermore, a clinical study published in the journal “Pain Research and Management” investigated the effect of low-frequency sound stimulation on patients with fibromyalgia. 

The results suggested that low-frequency sound stimulation may be beneficial in treating fibromyalgia, significantly improving quality of life and reducing medication use.

Recent research has also explored the effects of specific sound frequencies on the human body and mind. 

A study by Dr. Glen Rein, PhD, found that audible sound waves at 528 Hz, played from various music genres, created resonance in DNA with healing effects. The study showed that different genres had varying impacts on DNA, with Gregorian chants and Sanskrit mantras demonstrating the most significant positive effects. However, after extensively studying Masati’s work, Dr. Rein concluded that the frequencies generated by Masati have had the most profound impact on DNA thus far, surpassing even the healing effects observed with traditional sound therapies.

Though quite ancient and simultaneously very new, the field of frequency medicine has continued to change over time. More research is needed to fully understand this novel healing methodology’s mechanisms and potential applications. 

However, the existing scientific evidence, combined with the powerful transformative experiences reported by those who have worked with Masati, suggests that frequency medicine holds immense promise for the future of healthcare and personal growth.

As Albert Einstein once said, “We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly.” Masati’s work illumines these laws, guiding us toward a future where the medicine of frequencies can lead to immense healing and personal development.

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