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6 Critical Non-Finance Skills To Have In Your Finance Career




Excellent financial and mathematical skills are just the start when it comes to a brilliant finance career. There are other skills you will need to get to the top of the profession. Below you can learn the non-finance abilities that will make your finance career soar. 

And if you seek assistance in paying for your education, there are many finance and accounting scholarships out there that will lend you a hand. 

Relationship-Management Skills

You’ll need to hone your people skills to succeed in the financial world. It’s vital to understand the different personality types, be able to listen, ask the right questions, and be able to resolve conflicts. You also need to know how to educate people and provide expert advice to your clients. 

How important is relationship management? One accomplished financial planner opines that a successful finance career is 15% finance and technical knowledge and 85% psychology! When people come to you with money issues, they probably spend too much, don’t save enough, or even save everything. They need an objective advisor who can help them with tough financial decisions. 

Sales and Marketing Skills

Others in the field say skilled financial professionals need to market their skills and knowledge to prospects in their niche. This means you must possess a full understanding of your personal strengths and your company’s professional assets. 

As you market yourself to clients, you should communicate your knowledge level and your caring nature. Remember, most clients’ most precious assets are not their money but their loved ones. Clients want to be reassured that you can help them to manage money to protect their families. 

Project Management

Any job task that takes more than five minutes is usually a project. You need to have the project management chops to turn a profit. This means knowing how to budget your time, manage financial budgets, meet multiple deadlines, and get essentials from other people to finish your projects on time. 

One corporate finance professional notes that most analytical projects have people questioning assumptions and inputs. Delivering on-time backup data is vital, so people don’t question your project results. 

It’s vital to have hard copies and electronic files meticulously organized so you can flip to necessary information fast. You could be asked a complicated question months later by a CFO who needs this critical info in 15 minutes for an overseas conference call. Sloppiness and disorganization can be lethal to your career path. 


You face problems in any job, and knowing to untangle them quickly rather than wilting under pressure is critical. 

It can also help if you gaze beyond your job roles and responsibilities to climb the corporate ladder. Help coworkers solve their issues rather than just reporting them to managers. When you help others out of sticky situations, your career will blossom as the word gets out that you are a team player. 

Technical Skills

Anywhere you work in finance, you need a high computer and technical proficiency to use new software that helps you in your job. The more programs, functions, shortcuts, and keys you master in Excel, the better off your finance career will be. Spend a few days getting slick and knowledgeable in Excel, and you’ll be the office darling. 


Go-getters get ahead in finance. But you cannot be so cutthroat and competitive that you make unethical choices that torpedo a promising career. It’s vital to adhere to ethical standards in finance, such as those laid out for Certified Financial Planners. 

There you have it: six essential non-finance skills that will turbocharge your finance career. Focus on honing these skills, and you could find yourself in the executive suite sooner than you dreamed!

The idea of Bigtime Daily landed this engineer cum journalist from a multi-national company to the digital avenue. Matthew brought life to this idea and rendered all that was necessary to create an interactive and attractive platform for the readers. Apart from managing the platform, he also contributes his expertise in business niche.

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September Joy: HomeCare Bosses United®’s Second CareGrowth AI™ Workshop




Sue and Enock Denis, co-founders of HomeCare Bosses United®, are the top industry-leading pair in the non-medical homecare space. Sue Denis began her journey after leaving the nursing world and jumping with both feet into the homecare industry by founding her own homecare agency. Next, she taught those in her local community and online how to do the same in a private Facebook group she created for the purpose. Now, that group has over 13k members.

She and Enock’s latest venture — the CareGrowth AI™ software developed specifically for homecare agencies — is but the next step in their transformative, inspiring journey, heralding a new era for homecare agencies by turning them into Intelligent HomeCare Agencies™. After their very successful launch event, the Systemize to Scale With AI Workshop, Sue and Enock are back with an encore for those who missed the first one — or those who want more HomeCare Boss magic!

The 2nd Launch Event: Systemize to Scale With AI Workshop

Scheduled from September 8-12, 2024, at 8 PM EST each day, the Systemize to Scale With AI Encore will introduce CareGrowth AI™ to the next wave of attendees. The five-day virtual event revolutionizes how homecare agencies operate, offering insights and tools to streamline operations, reduce errors, and enhance efficiency.

“We’re not just offering another software; we’re helping agencies transform into Intelligent Homecare Agencies,” Enock explains. “With AI, these agencies can become more efficient, productive, and ultimately more profitable.”

So true. Intelligent Homecare Agencies™ that implement the software harness the power of AI to elevate their operations, making them more efficient, productive, and capable of delivering higher quality care and achieving greater profitability.

A Community-Centric Approach

With nearly 13,000 members in their private Facebook group, HomeCare Bosses United® has created a robust community of homecare professionals. Its supportive network is a cornerstone of the organization, offering courses, consulting, and a thriving online space where members can share experiences and learn from one another.

“Community is the backbone of our success,” Sue shares. “It’s incredible to see agency owners support each other and grow together.”

Core Values Driving Success

At the heart of HomeCare Bosses United® lies a set of core values: Empowerment, innovation, community, integrity, excellence, and faith. These principles guide their mission and shape their approach to business, ensuring that each agency owner feels equipped to navigate the industry’s challenges.

“Empowerment is key,” says Sue. “We want agency owners to feel confident and capable, knowing they have the power to succeed.”

Innovation is another critical aspect of their work. With the launch of CareGrowth AI™, the Denises are setting new standards in the industry, paving the way for homecare agencies to become part of the Intelligent Homecare Agency™ category.

“With CareGrowth AI, we’re keeping up with the AI revolution… by leading it!” Enock emphasizes.

Integrity and Faith: The Foundation

Honesty, transparency, and ethical practices are fundamental to HomeCare Bosses United®’s business model. Enock and Sue’s commitment to integrity ensures that clients receive honest and transparent guidance, fostering trust and reliability.

Their faith also plays a pivotal role in their business philosophy.

“Our faith is at the center of our business,” Enock says. “It guides us and gives us strength, helping us make a positive impact in the lives of others.”

Looking Ahead

As HomeCare Bosses United® continues to grow, their mission remains steadfast: To help homecare agency owners thrive. Through their comprehensive support platform, they provide the tools, knowledge, and community needed to start, grow, and scale homecare businesses.

The upcoming Systemize to Scale With AI Encore is an opportunity for homecare professionals to join this journey and embrace the future of the industry. Registration is available at for just $37, including access to the live workshop and the exclusive HomeCare Bosses United® community.

About HomeCare Bosses United®

HomeCare Bosses United® helps you grow your homecare agency, impact the world, and live life on your terms. Co-founded by Enock and Sue Denis, the company offers courses, consulting, and live events for homecare agency owners at every stage of their journey. Their mission is to simplify the process of starting, growing, and scaling homecare agencies, providing the tools and support needed for success, including their revolutionary CareGrowth AI™ solution. For more information, visit: https://CareGrowth and 

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