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5 Reasons You Should Learn CPR




There is always room in everyone’s life to learn a new skill. If you are looking to learn something valuable, you can’t go wrong with CPR. There are numerous local classes and courses that can help you gain the expertise of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. When you learn how to properly administer CPR, you could save the life of a friend, family member, or stranger that is in need.

Most of us have seen someone giving CPR to a victim on television. While the technique may be globally recognized, that doesn’t mean that you know the proper CPR techniques without the right training. Getting the knowledge to help someone in a medical emergency can help you stay calm in any situation.

If you are interested in taking a CPR class, you can visit for details. Let’s take a look at a few crucial reasons you need to learn CPR.

Easy to Learn

You don’t have to have any special skills or medical knowledge to learn CPR. There are available classes for beginners, adults, and children. When you attend a CPR class, you will learn hand-on skills that will help you to help others. There are no complex medical terms to learn, and the techniques that you will learn are easy to apply.  In most cases, it takes just one class through the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association to become CPR certified. 

For private citizens, it generally only takes one class to learn the skills that you need to last you a lifetime. In some cases, depending on your occupation, you may be required to update your certification annually.

Increased Survival Rates

Most people who suffer from a cardiac arrest are not in the hospital where they can receive urgent care. When the heart stops pumping blood and oxygen to the body, it can have devastating effects in just moments. Being able to administer CPR to a cardiac arrest victim can help to keep the circulatory system going. 

Cardiac arrest victims who receive the right CPR techniques are more likely to be able to recover more effectively than those who do not. When you receive your CPR training, you are essentially giving someone a better chance at survival in an emergency situation. 


A medical emergency can be very stressful. If you don’t have the right knowledge and training, it’s easy to panic and not be able to help the victim effectively. When you receive your CPR training you will learn the skills that you need to improve your reaction time and stay calm in a crisis. 

Staying calm in an emergency, especially if the victim is known to you is crucial to their treatment. With the right CPR training, you will have the confidence to make necessary decisions and act quickly. Knowledge is power, and when it comes to CPR, you will be armed with the facts and techniques that you need to help quickly. 

Technical Knowledge

Most of us have seen CPR being performed on a patient on television. While it may look easy, CPR is a technical skill that requires proper training to be done effectively. Without the right training, you could perform CPR compressions in the wrong place and end up doing more damage to the victim. If you aren’t sure about what you are doing, you are more likely to panic and make a mistake or not be able to act quickly. 

When you receive CPR training, you will have the chance to practice your techniques hands-on. When you know how to properly help a victim, you will have a better chance of saving a life. 

Save A Life

There is nothing more terrifying for family members to suddenly be involved in an emergency situation. From small children to older adults, anything can happen at any time. Having CPR training can help you to assist your loved one quickly and with expert technical knowledge. 

More than 70% of cardiac events happen in the home. This means that you are more likely to end up giving a friend or family member CPR than you are treating a stranger. If you have a senior parent living with you, it’s essential that you get CPR and first aid training to be able to act quickly in an emergency. While you are waiting for EMTs to arrive, you will be able to keep your loved ones calm and give them the treatment they need to survive. 

We all benefit from continuing our education and learning new skills. CPR classes are easy to find, appropriate for the whole family, and can arm you with essential life skills that could save a life. 

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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Frequency Medicine: Visionary Masati Unveils Deep Insights into the Future of Healing and Transformation




Photo Credit by Masati

Masati, the visionary behind Xponential Intelligence Science (XI), underwent a profound transformation following multiple near-death experiences that unlocked a deeper understanding of the underlying physics governing our universe. Once a computer programmer, Masati’s journey took him beyond the quantum realm, where he accessed knowledge and insights far beyond conventional science.

“Being in my presence has catalyzed life-altering transformations in countless individuals,” Masati shares. “I have distilled this vast collective knowledge and abilities into what I call Xponential Intelligence (XI).” His work is a testament to the limitless potential that lies within each of us, waiting to be activated through the power of XI Science.

The Medicine of Frequencies: A Revolutionary Take on  Healing

Masati’s work transcends conventional approaches, tapping into the foundational essence of frequency itself as a vehicle for profound transformation. XI Science postulates that the key to all healing lies in the frequencies that govern our existence, making “Change your frequency, change your life” not just a statement but a universal truth.

Operating within the realms of multidimensional consciousness, frequencies, and spacetime, Masati’s frequency medicine upgrades individuals at their core, aligning them with higher dimensions of intelligence. This process initiates rapid and exponential personal growth, elevating individuals beyond the limits of human potential and into a state of conscious mastery.

Masati’s methodology employs a two-tiered system. First, it addresses and clears distortions at the deepest frequency levels, dissolving human limitations and belief structures that bind us to outdated paradigms. Then, it activates the true, limitless human potential, transforming the impossible into the achievable. XI Meditations and frequency-infused programs serve as the conduits for this metamorphosis, enabling individuals to access powers once thought beyond reach.

While frequency medicine echoes Einstein’s foresight—”Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”—Masati expands this concept beyond anything previously conceived. His insights, derived from direct interaction with dimensional consciousness, reveal that frequency not only heals but also rewires the very fabric of human existence, offering a new paradigm for conscious evolution and a pathway to a future where the extraordinary becomes reality.

Scientific Support for Frequency Medicine

While frequency medicine is still emerging, there is growing scientific evidence supporting the potential of sound and vibration in healing. 

A 2017 study published in the “Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy” found that the frequency of 528 Hz reduced cell death in damaged cells. Other research has suggested that sound healing at 528 Hz may help protect DNA from environmental toxins and decrease anxiety levels by increasing testosterone levels.

Furthermore, a clinical study published in the journal “Pain Research and Management” investigated the effect of low-frequency sound stimulation on patients with fibromyalgia. 

The results suggested that low-frequency sound stimulation may be beneficial in treating fibromyalgia, significantly improving quality of life and reducing medication use.

Recent research has also explored the effects of specific sound frequencies on the human body and mind. 

A study by Dr. Glen Rein, PhD, found that audible sound waves at 528 Hz, played from various music genres, created resonance in DNA with healing effects. The study showed that different genres had varying impacts on DNA, with Gregorian chants and Sanskrit mantras demonstrating the most significant positive effects. However, after extensively studying Masati’s work, Dr. Rein concluded that the frequencies generated by Masati have had the most profound impact on DNA thus far, surpassing even the healing effects observed with traditional sound therapies.

Though quite ancient and simultaneously very new, the field of frequency medicine has continued to change over time. More research is needed to fully understand this novel healing methodology’s mechanisms and potential applications. 

However, the existing scientific evidence, combined with the powerful transformative experiences reported by those who have worked with Masati, suggests that frequency medicine holds immense promise for the future of healthcare and personal growth.

As Albert Einstein once said, “We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly.” Masati’s work illumines these laws, guiding us toward a future where the medicine of frequencies can lead to immense healing and personal development.

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